Monthly Archives: October 2017


You ever kick someone out of your house who just wants to linger and cause all kinds of mess? You know . . . that dude who just wants to create continuous chaos and havoc and disrupt the very fiber of your being? You ever just go to your front door, open it wide and …


So I’ve decided to be my own cheerleader. I’m gonna pick up my pom poms and cheer me on! I’d like to be cheered by others but . . . not necessary. I know what I’m about. What my intentions are in everything I do. I don’t need accolades and big-ups. It’d be nice though, …


When did it all get so complicated? Everything. Everyone. All of it? WHY does it have to be SO feezing complicated? EVERYTHING? I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. I know life is deep. But really . . . does it really NEED to be THIS friggin’ deep. Like a dark, smelly cesspool? Like muddy, sludge thick? Knotty and …