

I can make all the plans I want. God laughs and then He makes His own plans for me. The one thing this whole pandemic thing has taught me is not to plan. Sure, plan for retirement and a vacation. Do u. But to plan for anything beyond and far reaching isn’t up to me. …


I thought I found my forever man. The one I was to be with until I died. His personality was nice. His love was true. We got along great. I thought I found my forever job. The place I was supposed to be until I chose to be there no longer. The hours were good. …

How Dare I?

I live here . . . on earth . . . in the natural realm. God’s living spirit dwells in the supernatural realm yet, He lives here on earth with us. I live in both realms. I live here where I wake up, do my day, go to work, pay bills, cook, read, watch TV, …


I never imagined my life like this. Divorced single mom. That hit me out of nowhere. That was a very messy, very hard time. I never imagined my finances like this. Bad. Bad choices. Bad decisions. Bad planning. And, I never ever ever imagined drawing so close to God that I can smell Him with …


Welp, there there’s no turning back is there? Clocks don’t go backwards do they? Time just keeps going forward. Doesn’t it? Whatever happened, happened . . . and it kinda can’t be undone. Can it? Sucks. Sometimes, if I dwell on things right before I go to bed at night, I’ll have a Hallmark dream. …


Every morning when I wake up, I put on His armor. Well, maybe not every morning, even though I should. Sometimes I forget. His armor is never too heavy, and it isn’t cumbersome at all. But it’s so very necessary before I start my day. It costs nothing and it matches every single outfit in …


That damn Jack. He’s back. He and his slovenly, slothy, soul sucking self came back . . . and I let him in! Jack snuck right into my house through the front door . . . the door that I left wide open. He made my house a home and my home his house. He …


Oh boy. Here comes Trouble. I hate being thrown off kilter. I really do. I hate having to adjust to whatever Trouble fastballs my way. Hate it. Just when I get over and through one thing, something else creeps up. It’s as if Trouble is about to pass me by but then suddenly changes its …