So, I’ve made some deals with God over my lifetime. You do this for me and I’ll do that for You kind of deals. But, guess what I found out? God is not a deal maker.
God is a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness kind of God (as the popular song goes). He’s not a deal maker. What He says goes, deal or no deal. Once I realized this, I stopped making deals with Him. The thing is, now that I no longer make deals, will He hold me at my word for the one-sided deals and promises I’ve made with him over the years?
I’m kinda scared about the deals I’ve made with the Lord. I want to take some of them back. I mean, we didn’t shake on them. I didn’t cross my heart and hope to die on them. I just promised Him that if He did certain things for me then, I’d do certain things for Him right back. I think He kinda took me at my word.
How do I undo some of the deals I made with Him? For instance, how do I un-deal the deal I made with Him that if He kept certain people I know disease free, that I would give up some of my future blessings in return? I told Him He could use me to spread His goodness and speak light into those who need Him without allowing me to have any social distractions. I promised Him that He could take away some things I was fond of . . . clubbing, parties, travel . . . even romance, if He’d heal some of my friends and family. That was a doozy of a big deal I made with Him. And I meant it too. I even remember when and where I was when I struck this deal with God. I was in a chapel praying for these same folks when the deal was struck. Though the arrangement was probably one-sided on my part, I really think he took me at my word for this one.
I pictured God as needing my help in securing miracles, prayers, wishes, and dreams for everyone but me. Taking myself totally out of the equation, I prayed for others’ blessings at the expense of forfeiting my own. I didn’t think I was being selfless. I just thought maybe God didn’t have enough blessings in His bag of tricks to spread around. Perhaps He could take some of my blessings and spread them to others.
I think I downplayed the power our God has in the universe. I pretty much told Him that I’d give up my social calendar, my joy of adventure and romanticism . . . or whatever blessings He chose to use, so someone else could have some good fortune. I did this not understanding that God is God. He made the universe for crying out loud! He predestined all we see. Low and behold, He didn’t need any of the blessings He had in store for me to give to others. He didn’t need me to make bargains with Him on the behalf of others by sacrificing what He potentially predestined for me. He’s God. I just needed to pray and have faith that He would hear my prayers and grant them for others. Simple as that.
I didn’t need to strike any deals with the Creator. I didn’t need to draw up any supernatural contracts or make any pacts with Him. I just needed to pray and have faith.
So, God . . . I’d like to renege on our deal. I’d like to break our contract. Instead, can I just pray for everyone’s continued health and blessings without any of the other conditions and terms I set forth? I’d like to go on a cruise and travel a bit with a wonderful God-sent fellow. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.