Like a temper tantrum throwing two-year-old, I don’t wanna learn any life lessons. I want to sail free and clear and have a good time living this thing called life. When I go to college I expect to get a job in my specialized field. When I get married to the love of my life I expect to stay married, monogamous and happy till death do us part. What’s up with all the crap that gets in the way of that? Not cool.

Heartbreak, illness, divorce, miscarriage, lies, betrayals . . . all of that sucks. Is it really necessary to experience darkness in life? I mean, isn’t smooth sailing even a thing anymore? I guess not. Jesus didn’t sail smoothly through His life so what makes me think I can go through mine without a hitch? I know that every time a roadblock comes up I find God. I pray. Then when the hurdle is removed, I thank God. I guess if I didn’t have any obstacles and my way was clear, I would never call on God for help. I’m sure that would make Him sad for He loves when we fellowship with Him. I still don’t wanna learn any life lessons though. Humph.