So, once again I am reminded that my plans are not God’s plans. And if my plans don’t align with God’s plans, I’m screwed. Time out . . . here I come. He stops me in my tracks. And I’ve been bad ya’ll.

So, I have more time on my hands now that I’m not working myself to death at work. I have evenings off. Weekends free. And for the first time in my grown up career, all major holidays are mine and mine alone. Sweet.

So, in my new found freedom, I caught up on a multitude of DVR’d movies and Netflix series . . . as any normal recently freed from the bondage of the daily grind human being would do. I vegged out and overdosed on TV every evening and weekends too. Every chance I got that TV was on. So sweet.

So, the vegging out phase got a little “I ain’t doing Jackish”, and I got lazy. Really lazy. Then, the opportunity presented itself for me to get my most comfortable arsets off my couch and engage in some physical activity. So, with much reluctance and a stern speaking to from God, I did. Not so sweet.

So, I’m going to the gym and taking classes and exercising my little butt off like I’ve never done before in life. I whined to myself every night as I drove to catch evening Zumba and spin classes that were being offered at a local gym for a ridiculously low cost. I’m all about saving money so, why not. Unbelievably sweet.

So, after a few classes, I notice I’m starting to socially engage with the folks at the gym and in these classes. After working myself to death in my previous job with nary a soul to talk to during my working hours, this my friends was an unexpected and very welcome change. I actually got to talk to adults again. Yes, sweet!

So, after a few months I noticed that when I raked leaves, I didn’t sweat as if I’d just come out of the pool. I wasn’t short of breath like I’d just run a marathon. My fingers could touch the floor when I bent over. And my body didn’t hurt when I got out of the bed each morning. So very unexpectedly sweet.

So, as time went on I noticed my biceps weren’t flapping in the wind anymore. My thighs no longer had the potential of creating a small fire using the friction my legs created as I walked. My arms didn’t hit excess fleshy baggage on my hips. And, I could now keep up in the spin and Zumba classes that I once hated and feared and thought I’d pass out from, but now grew to love. Super duper sweet.

So . . . wait for it . . . I dropped 2 dress sizes! Yes folks . . . two dress sizes. Friggin sweet!

So, God told me to do some things for Him a very long time ago. Things that I’d been working on for years. Things He gave me special gifts with which to complete His task. He gave me visions and dreams and whispered softly in my head and filled my heart with longings for what He wanted me to do. He saved these remarkable things just for me, and me alone. It was predestined just for me before time began. So especially sweet.

So, these things I needed to devote my all to, my 100% to, I didn’t. Between the gym classes, socializing, and TV watching, I didn’t do what I was supposed to do when I was supposed to do it. I was slack. Lazy. Disobedient. Not too sweet.

So, now I’m in time out . . . again. I’m stalled. He took away my fun pass. I’m at a complete stop. Halted. And it’s my fault. No gym for a while and no Netflix. Nada. Nothing. Just me . . . and Him. It never fails . . . He gives me a chance and I take advantage. He tells me what to do and I argue. He gives me the tools and I pick them up, look at them and set them back down again. Ugh! I’m grounded in the worst way. Most definitely NOT sweet at all!

So, I have no choice. I’m back at work. His work. I’m on His grind. I’m stepping back up to His plate. I’ve re-found my passion for the umpteenth time for what He called me to do, and I’ve remembered that what God gives, He can snatch it back with the quickness and take it away. And I want what He’s giving me! Not sweet at all.

Damn that TV.