You ever kick someone out of your house who just wants to linger and cause all kinds of mess? You know . . . that dude who just wants to create continuous chaos and havoc and disrupt the very fiber of your being? You ever just go to your front door, open it wide and toss that dude out on his rear end? him along with all of his minions (and I’m not talking about the minions from the Despicable Me movies)?
I went to a church service once, and the pastor instructed everyone to go home, open our front doors and kick satan out. He said if we did that, in the name of Jesus, he’d have to flee. I’m sitting there and all I could think was, “What the heck is this man talking about? How do you kick someone . . . something . . . out that you can’t even see? He must be nuts.” That pastor quoted Bible verses from Ephesians, Chapter 6 verses 10-18 entitled, “The Armor of God”. It gave directions on how people can arm themselves to be able to withstand the evil one and kick him out. The pastor wanted us to go home, read the verses, open our front doors . . . and kick satan out. Now let me tell you, I’d NEVER, in life, read ANY Bible verse EVER that ANY pastor, ANY priest or ANY man of the cloth had EVER suggested, EVER in life before. EVER.
But you see, there was some jumbled up crap going on in my life and some messed up supernatural ridiculousness happening, and I needed help. I’d talked about my situation to those in my close circle and gathered lots of opinions, but nothing helped. Nothing changed. I was at my wit’s end when I heard that pastor give step-by-step instructions on how to kick the evil one out of my house. Now mind you, I’d NEVER done ANYTHING ANY pastor, ANY priest or ANY man of the cloth had EVER suggested, EVER in life before. EVER. But I was going to do that. I was going to kick satan out of my house.
As I read and re read those verses, all I could think was, “My god. This really is some serious armor I have to put on in order to kick this bastard out of my house.” Then I had a mild panic attack at the thought of this unwanted, sinister presence living in my home. he couldn’t be here anymore. he had to go!
So you know what? I got up off my bed. I went to the middle of my house. I took a deep breath and I yelled at the top of my lungs. I told satan to get out. I demanded that he and his cronies leave my house NOW, in the name of Jesus. I opened my front door really, really wide and escorted them out. Of course I lowered my voice when I opened my front door . . . lol. But then I got really angry and kicked those SOBs out! How DARE he and his bullies try to commandeer MY home for THEIR enjoyment. Who. Did. They. Think. They. Were.
Now, I was home alone at that time, mind you. I didn’t need an audience to watch me do something that was COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone. I felt stupid talking to the air. I felt weird talking to myself. But I got really serious really quickly as I focused solely on reclaiming my home. I blocked out all of myself and my self-conscious feelings and focused on the task at hand . . . removing the wickedness that wanted to claim my family’s joy and peace. I was too through. I was so done. I was over it. satan was in serious trouble with me that day.
Yes folks. I kicked satan and his leeches out that day. But he tries to come back from time to time and make himself at home. So I kick him out again and send them ALL running in Jesus’ precious, precious name. As I kick them out, I invite the Holy Trinity in. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit can stay. The rest have GOTS to go!
It’s a new season, time to kick out those that may have snuck it when we weren’t looking. Know that you are not the only one that will be cleaning house!!
Clean house girl! Do it! Run that beast out!