Look at God. Look at how He brought you through. He picked you up, brushed you off, and shoved you back in the race. He didn’t want you to lose. He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t lose you. You’re priceless. One of a kind. There’s no other like you. He had to save you from yourself. From them. From it all.
Look at God. Look at how He removed them from your life. It was no good for you. They were no good for you. They didn’t deserve you. You didn’t need it. You were, are, and will be just fine without all of that. It may not seem like it now, but trust me. No . . . trust Him. You will be just fine.
Look at God. Look at how he strengthened your backbone. Stronged you up. Gave you muscles where none existed and cloaked you in faith and willpower. They don’t recognize you now, do they? You’re passionate and fearless. You’re sure footed and able. Without what you went through, you wouldn’t be taller. Fiercer. You wouldn’t be the beast you are now. A force to be reckoned with. Strong and resilient.
Look at God. He used all of those unfortunate situations to mold you. You were stiff, unmoving, unwilling, unyielding. Wanted things your way or no way. You were translucent, thin skinned, friable. You were easily pushed around, stepped on and stepped over. You were used for everyone else’s good but your own. Well . . . He didn’t like that. It pissed Him off. Didn’t they all know you can’t mess with God’s children? You just can’t.
Look at God. He wants to change your circumstances. He wants to big you up. Large you up. Elevate and motivate you. He wants to take you to places you can’t even imagine. Or fathom. He wants to show you His wonders and make you understand that His promises are real. That He is real. That you matter. You matter a hella lot to Him. And when you finally get it into your being that you matter to Him . . . phfttt . . . nothing else really matters. Nothing.
Look at God. See the life He breathed back into you? He promised He’d always be with you. He promised He’d never leave you. He didn’t. Every day you open your eyes and take on each challenge that is sent your way, Jesus is with you. Every time you have self doubt and worry, Jesus is with you. Every person you come in contact with who rubs you the wrong way, Jesus is with you. Every bill you can’t pay or flat tire you get or broken heart you can’t imagine will ever heal . . . Jesus is with you. Right next to you. In you. Never will He leave you.
Look at God. Who do you think got you out of your mess? Who do you think paid that bill? Who do you think gave you that job opportunity? Who do you think saw he was no good for you and removed him from your life with the quickness? Who do you think fights for you day in and day out? He sees you. Make no mistake about it. He. Sees. You. You never have to run the race alone. Ever. He’s got you.
Look at God.