Like I said before, God must really think I want to be a bodybuilder. The trials He gives me are nuts! But when each trial is over, the knowledge and confidence that I build during that trial makes me superhero strong. I feel so feezing invincible. Alive!
I didn’t realize He gifted me with a #StrongGirlGene. He gifted ALL women with this gene. He must have. I mean we all love so hard. We take care of others so well. We forsake ourselves so much. Who knew we have this extra gene in common? All of us. We do. Think about it.
We have babies for crying out loud! Like that is THE most excruciating physical pain one can undergo in order to keep humanity from ceasing. Amazing. And even if we don’t physically give birth, we mother and mentor like no other. It’s natural within us. What if women chose to stop procreating? Nuts right? Think about it.
Heartbreak. Yeah I know, guys get their hearts broken too. But we love so deeply and so vastly and so loyally. It’s so innate within us. So natural. We stick by and put up with and go along with so much that our worth gets buried, forgotten underneath piles and piles of crap that’s done to us. Emotional and physical abuse. Unequal pay. Rape. Lack of education. Cheating spouses. Accepting extramarital children into our families. The list goes on and on. Think about it.
You can’t tell me you’re not strong. You can’t tell me you’re not a child of God when you’ve been burned and came out on the other side so much tougher because of your #StrongGirlGene. That gene is in you. It’s in all of us. It may be buried but just dig way down deep. Then dig some more. It’s there. Trust me. I didn’t know it was in me until I walked through the fire, climbed the mountain, and swam with the sharks. Then years later, when I came out of it, though I was a little beaten up, I was so much stronger. That #StrongGirlGene . . . it was there. It was there the entire time and I didn’t even know it. There’s no blood test for it. There’s no scientific research to show that it exists but it sure as hell does. Way deep down inside of me. And in you too. I’m telling you. Think about it.
You resurfaced from heartbreak. You bounced back from illness. You motivated yourself from from lack of education to educated. You reclaimed your body. You got your money right. You found your worth during all the crap that was doled out onto and into you. YOU. DID. IT. Your kids saw you do it. Your mentees saw you do it. Now they want to be just like you. Independent. Strong. Confident. Smart. Beautiful. God fearing. Think about it.
And that man that God was stitching for you while you went through your crap? He’s on his way. And that worthy and worthwhile, faithful dude that stuck by you, holding you up while you soldiered on . . . oh he saw you too. Your #StrongGirlGene is recognized. It is sexy. It is thrilling. It is powerful. It is NOT intimidating. And those good dudes? Well . . . they’re just the sweet icing on God’s cake that He’s already baked for you. God already gifted you with all of the ingredients you need to live a joyous life. You’re not just meant to merely survive. Heck no! You’re meant to live. To Thrive. To rise. Those good guys are just the added sparkle God gives you to compliment you. They are blessed and fortunate to have you. They don’t complete you. You complete yourself. You. Are. Worthy. Think about it.
You wanna know the best news yet? Our #StrongGirlGene is indestructible. It’s passed down from EVERY generation to generation. It’s a dominant gene. It will never, ever, ever recede. Now run and go tell everyone about your #StrongGirlGene. Tell all the little girls. Tell all the teenage girls. Tell all the young adult women. Tell all the grown women. They ALL have it too. It’s a gift from God. Don’t think about it. Do it.