My engagement ring was lovely. It was white gold and had a solitary diamond in the middle surrounded by smaller stones on either side. My wedding ring complimented my engagement ring perfectly with small diamonds encased in white gold. His was the manly version of mine and we had our names engraved on each other’s rings. I loved wearing my rings once we told our pissed off families. They were angry we eloped but oh how those stones glistened brightly in the sun. Funny thing though . . . he wouldn’t wear his. And when he did he would twist it and turn it and fiddle with it, almost like it burned him to wear it.  He said he wasn’t used to wearing a ring so it bothered him while on his finger. But he loved me right? He didn’t need to wear the ring. That was just a symbol right? He loved me right? That was all that mattered wasn’t it? I think my God wifi was down and I apparently wasn’t aware.